Making the Business Case for Anaerobic Digestion in Africa: Business models from across the continent
Grace Bridgewater from the Lancaster Environment Centre and Cathy Olphin from Lancaster University Management School summarise the key outcomes of their analysis of anaerobic [...]
Published On: February 25, 2022Categories: Blog, The Flow
Healthy writing retreats: dare to enjoy your writing and joy will abound! Bear with me and try it out.
Dr Joana Pais Zozimo, a RECIRCULATE Senior Research Associate, reflects on the ongoing impact of healthy writing retreats, in her double capacity of qualified [...]
Published On: January 31, 2022Categories: Blog, The Flow, WP1
Sylvia B Mwansa holds a Master of Business Administration International (MBA(I) from Edith Cowan University, Australia. Her Unique Value Proposition is that, she is [...]
Uhunamure Nosayamen Destiny is a Lecturer at University of Benin, Nigeria. He earned his first degree (B.Sc.) in Accounting, second degree (M.Sc.) in Finance [...]