RECIRCULATE researchers at British Council COP26 Briefings
On 7th July 2021, RECIRCULATE researchers participated in a COP26 online roundtable on Nature-based Solutions (NBS) in Africa and the Middle East organised by [...]
Published On: July 19, 2021Categories: KE, News, WP2
As part of the work programme “Driving environmental protection through eco-innovation systems to build human capital and green economy in Africa”, the African Union [...]
International Sustainable Development Goals webinar
In June 2021, the focus of our PARTICIPATE engagement was the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and more specifically how the project workpackages are addressing SDGs [...]
Dr Bokani Mtengi is a Lecturer in the department of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications engineering at Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) [...]